Tuesday, November 23, 2010

12 Days of Christmas Challenge: Day 2

To be honest I can count on one hand how many times I've been shopping on Black Friday, so my knowledge and skill level on this crazy situation is minimal. But....I am however heading out with my girlfriends Molly, Tracy, Melissa and a couple others this year. From what I hear were going all out and waking up in the middle of the night like a true Black Friday shopper. This is kind of what I picture us looking like come Friday...I'm not going to lie I'm prepared to get my game face on for this!

I plan on eating a little turkey the night before so I can go into a turkey coma and try to get some sleep before the madness begins. Some things I have done to prepare for this event is look online at the adds before hand, it's been great seeing what's on sale at what places. I have ideas in my head of what to look for each place we go...and since I shop frequently I'll be able to go directly to the area I need to in the store. I feel like if I'm going to stand in a line like this....
I definitely want a game plan, so if you have some good strategies I'm all ears!!

One thing I have noticed this past week is that some places are running their Black Friday sales right now, I got some great deals at Gap over the weekend. It was great because the selection wasn't picked over yet and I could find my size in just about everything. So I definitely would recommend checking out to see who is starting their sales early! Till Tomorrow!! Happy Blogging!


Little Miss Martha said...

Great ideas! Apparently you can get a map of the target in your area on their website if you are really ready to plan for the big day! :)

Michelle said...

I honestly think you can get just as good sales by shopping early. And it totally helps that so many stores release ads online before the holiday, so you can get a good idea of just how much you'll save. Happy Thanksgiving!