Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wonderful Songs

My last post wasn't very uplifting to say the least, I have been kind of down in the dumps the past couple of weeks. To be right truthful this week hasn't been any better. It was our first full week of school in forever because of all the snow days. My little critters were tired and had emotional breakdown after breakdown this week. I mean kids that have never cried before were crying at the drop of a hat, and I was about their with them. It was an emotional week in Kindergarten and I felt defeated....and it seemed like the week just wouldn't end. I felt real crappy Friday and came home early from work, which I have never ever done before and it was really weird leaving before my kids. But I needed it, I wasn't sure what was wrong with me but I came home and slept from 3:15 till 6:30ish. This is not like me at all so whatever it was I guess I just needed to sleep off. Anyways, this week I have been relying on music to lift my heart up. These are just a few songs that I have been loving on lately and have been on my heart. The consensus is God is so so good even in the low times, he is my crutch and heart.

Kari Jobe- Revelation Song and My Beloved (two of my favs)

And just for laughs Relient K's Mood Ring (I dedicate this to one of my besties Carrie!)

 I also have been getting some great craft ideas and decided to make this wreath I found on Tatertots and Jello. (One of my new favorite blogs) I needed a wreath for in between holiday's. I couldn't figure out how I wanted to arrange the rosettes so one of my friends that is super crafty helped, thanks Molly. I am very pleased with how it turned out....this is the wreath that inspired me.  I put it up outside my classroom for now. I thought it would be nice and cheery for Parent-Teacher Conferences soon. 


Tracy said...

Love the wreath!! I was suppose to have a craft day on Friday but that OBVIOUSLY didn't work! haha But it is beautiful!!

Molly said...

LOVE the wreath, of course you already know that! Glad I could be of assistance :)

Love you friend!