Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge!!

So I have decided to jump on the Weight Loss Challenge hosted by Lindsey at Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Rachel at Running Backwards in Heigh Heels. My great friend Molly is participating and I thought it was a wonderful idea as well!

I have never been one to consistently workout for an extended period of time, I usually go through the New Years fad of working out and it drops off around March. I have never been a size 1 and have tried in the past to loose weight...but always seem to get discouraged when the weight doesn't melt away quickly. (I'm a little impatient) I'll watch Biggest Loser and think how the crap do these people shed the weight!! I have a hard time remembering that they spend all day working out....if my "job" was the treadmill I'd probably look the same way too! haha I know that I'm never going to be a 00, but I would love to loose 20-30 lbs. eventually, I look at pictures of myself freshmen year in college and think I was really that much smaller???...and goodness I have a ways to go!

More recently though...In January I started running 3-4 times a week in the morning with my friend Melisa. I'm actually running my FIRST 5K next weekend and couldn't be more excited! I have always wanted to run a race but was never confident enough to....I might not running the entire time BUT I'm okay with it. I wish that I would have taken a before photo of myself before I started working out consistently. I may not look a whole lot different but my clothes are fitting more loosely and I feel SO GREAT..(which is the important part right?) My goals for myself are so stay this active and not fall off the wagon, I feel like I have been pushing through and now it's April. I've made it over the March hump. At some point in my life I would LOVE to run a half or even whole marathon. Let's just start simple at get through the 5K next week. haha
This was August of 2004....Freshmen year of college
December of this year
I think August of this past year....disgusting much.
Recent....Last weekend
Happy health and fitness to everyone! I'm excited to read your stories and share this experience together...I think it's going to be a great journey!


Unknown said...

Thanks for linking up to our challenge! Congrats on the 5K - I did one today! :)

Jacquie said...

congrats on the 5 k!! I found you through the challenge!

Rachel said...

Congrats on the 5K! Can't wait to follow your progress!