Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekend Update and Some Extras

Sorry for being MIA for the past week...It's been a little busy lately and I haven't been on top of my game. So I'm back and have a ton of stuff on my mind and laying heavy on my heart. This weekend was great! We had Girls Makeover Night for the youth group girls, it was a success! We had about 15-20 middle/ high school girls come and get Beautified! We had a Chocolate fountain (YUM.....I enjoyed this part a little too much), the girls went shopping through a TON of donated clothes...and then we did nails, makeup and hair. Watched a few runway walks with the new looks and some sweet dance parties! It was a good night! I had a great time observing all the action in between doing nails. Here are some pics of our festivities....

Saturday was another busy day! Melissa had a regatta in Kansas City, it was a BEAUTIFUL day for it! I feel like every time she races in K.C. it is always crappy weather, so I was very excited about the non snowing or raining or freezing weather conditions! Both KU and Texas busted out some Pink gear and Raced for the Cure....both teams looked fantastic!

This always give me chills....Alma Mater and the Rock Chalk Chant!

The whole family!
Here's Liss being all buff! Get it Girl!
The girls Rock Chalk'n It!
One of my all time besties was in town this weekend! Lynsay came in from New York and it was SO good to see her. I was a little sick of just hearing her voice or seeing her face through the computer screen. I wanted a REAL LIFE HUG! I definitely was in need of some serious Lynsay time and we had a nice low key Saturday night laying on the couch talking. I miss so much living life together! We have been best friends since 7th grade and I'm not a big fan of this whole long distance business. Even though I think what she is doing is awesome and I am so very proud of her, my heart still misses and wishes she was here! These pictures are oldies but goodies!

Enter----->God....he always has a funny way of slapping you in the face right when you need it. I was laying down before bed praying/reading/ journaling and came across this verse I had in my journal.

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing; forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." - Philippians 3:13

I'm thinking I need to keep the past in the past and let some things go that I have been holding onto for a while!

Then I came to this section from a devotional I did this past summer and the heading was....Life In The Bod. I had these bullet points underneath:
- Being transparent before God.
- Giving up control, gives you more freedom.
- Put Hope in the Lord.
- Are we on the throne or is Christ on the throne of our hearts?
- "And the most important piece of clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14
-" Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise." Colossians 3:16

I feel as though the Lord is telling me to love more fully and put my whole heart into him. It's easy to put yourself up on the throne and not even realize it, as embarrassing as that sounds. My goal this week is to really live life in the bod...and let Christ do some serious work on my heart. More to come later on this...It's getting late and 5:00 am sounds pretty awful right about now!
Happy Tuesday/ Wednesday to you all!

1 comment:

MrsV said...

Beautiful pic of everyone in a circle! Gave me chills too. Yay for Bestie time! I can relate to the Real Life Hug big time! I always look forward to those when my mom comes back home =) The make over night looked like so much fun, what a wonderful experience for those young ladies.

Happy Wednesday Ashley!

Jamie @ The Yellow Brick Road