Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some St. Patty's Flavor & Day 15

So I feel like I have completely dropped the ball on classroom parties this year in my classroom. I skipped out and went to New York for the Halloween one, decided Christmas was going to be low key and felt the same way about Valentine's Day. Some people may or may not use the words "Party Pooper" when describing my feelings on parties. So I made a decision today (2 days before St. Patrick's Day)....that I needed to kick it into gear and bust some Irish loving, green wearing, rainbow coloring, searching for gold and leprechauns Shindig in Kindergarten! In all my last minute preparations I also made the AWESOME choice of making not 1 but 2 Rainbow Layered Cakes.....(this is what I'm shooting for)

I currently have the blue, red, orange and green layers baked and cooling! I will do yellow and violet tomorrow and then assemble my works of art! Hopefully I remember to take pictures of all this craziness....then we can compare my cakes to this gorgeous one above. I'm crossing my fingers that I can pull all this off in basically just 1 day. I had a teacher point out to me that I was wearing green today....I stinking wore my ONLY dressy green shirt today. I'm not sure what I was thinking this morning (maybe I just need to go shopping to increase my amount of dressy green shirts....haha) Promise pictures of all the festivities to come!

On another note, Day 15....I have seriously been slacking on my Blog Link Party (my apologizes).....But today's was simple (Things I want to do before I die), I'm kind of a travel junky so I pick TRAVEL. Not that I get to travel many places very often, but I want to go everywhere!! Currently I have a couple places I've been obsessing/drooling over lately that I would LOVE to visit....

Greece (I mean look at it, who wouldn't want to go) I'm thinking when I meet the man of my dreams and get married this would be a fabulous honeymoon destination. Or if Mr. Right continues to be MIA....I'm thinking girls trip!!

Africa.....still haven't decided exactly where in Africa I want to travel to, I just know I want to go. 

I want to go and climb Machu Picchu!!! I know it sounds super random, but for those of you that have read A Million Miles In A Thousand Years.....you understand. 

Those are all my big trips that I want to go on in the near future. I'm always down for traveling domestically, not that I can afford it on a teachers salary. 

A girl can dream right!?

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