Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekend Update

Weekend Update....I had a wonderful relaxing weekend with friends and my dog. My parents were out of town this weekend (yes I live at home currently, I'm working on that situation) so I was in charge of the dog.
 Candy our dog is getting to be rather old and it's starting to show....her back legs are not working anymore. The days of walking on all fours are officially gone and it breaks my heart seeing her scoot around everywhere. We've had her since I was in Elementary school, so I know the day is approaching where she isn't going to be around.
Anyways, she has a routine and I try to stick with it when my parents are gone. I had a huge brain fart....I mean MONDO....I had her sleeping in my room and she kept whining/crying. I figured she just wanted to go sleep in my parents room since that is what she normally does, so I open my bedroom door thinking she'd walk into my parents room and go to bed. That is not at ALL what happened. I few minutes later I hear a bunch of loud noises.....I JUMP out of bed and run in the hallway. SHE FELL DOWN THE STAIRS....the dog whose back legs don't work decided she wanted to head downstairs on a nighttime stroll. Oh goodness I felt SO bad/ was thinking what in the world dog did you think was going to happen. Regardless she was shaken up, I was shaken up and I had a hard time going back to sleep after that. I thought of every worst case scenario....the dog having internal bleeding, dying in her sleep, breaking a front leg....if it was bad I probably thought of it happening. 
Woke up the next morning and she was fine....aside from the dirty looks I swear she was giving me.  That was my drama for the weekend....other than my lapse of judgement opening the door I had a great weekend. I watched some basketball! KU won the Big 12 Championship, Holla!! I was proud to be a Jayhawk this weekend! They Rock Chalked it!! I can't wait for March Madness to officially start!

 Went shopping on Saturday (always fun!) and grabbed some good deals! Here's one of the dresses I got from Charlotte Russe, I'm excited to bust it out this spring/summer....

I also picked up all my items for the Spring Swap! I am so excited about all the things I got my partner and can't wait for her to get the package....I'm crossing my fingers she likes it all!

The week ahead.....St. Patty's Day!!! I'm very excited about St. Patty's day, green is my favorite color and I can't wait to bust it out this week. The week is usually spring break, but they pushed spring break back a week so unfortunately I'll be at school missing the parade. I am excited to celebrate the holiday with my class though...I bought a bunch of St. Patrick's Day books to read to the little critters this week. If anyone has any cute craft ideas for the holiday send them my way! I'm always looking for a cute fun craft to do with them. After this week is over we have SPRING BREAK!!! Can't wait for a week off....have no idea what I'm going to do with my week yet! The possibilities are endless!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


MrsV said...

Hey Ashley! Love the new dress! I bet you're excited for Spring Break =) Hope "B" is having a good day, ha!

Jamie Votaw

Ashley said...

Thanks!! I was excited for the possibility of busting it out....and then we had a stinkin snow storm. So I'll tuck it in my closet and wait till we have some consistent weather! haha Can't Wait for break...I think we all need a little break from each other. I feel like our room is too small for all 17 of us sometimes. Hope you had a great Monday girl!